Ok, who wants to donate a book to less fortunate school children? Well if you feel obliged or perhaps destined or simply interested to show some generosity and compassion to our country's future, please do not hesitate to participate and pass down your used books to these learning minds. It will be guaranteed that you will feel great after you have given a very valuable source of knowledge and learning through the reading of these books to these children. If I had to pass down my elementary school books, I see it as a way of showing gratitude of having the opportunity to own these books and make me know a lot of important things in life.

Tsinelas Association will be holding their “Their Books 3” event this September 24, 25, and 26 of 2010 as a part of the Cebu Press Freedom Week. The association has been holding this kind of event for 3 years already.
As a part of the community, part of Cebu Blogger’s Society Incorporated, and a human being who is concerned of our countries education, I will invite you to come and donate books with us.